Friday, June 29, 2012

Good bye to most of you....

Today was the last day of LIBER 2012, at least the official program. There is still the after-program for these who are going to excursion tomorrow.
Looking back, we have had very productive and fun three days behind us. We have loved the feedback from you which has been so positive - thank you - we are flattered and humbled. In addition to all the great knowledge and experience shared during the Conference, we were trying to give you a piece of us - a little bit of our culture and traditions - singing, food, kama... hopefully you enjoyed it.
We loved to host you and have you as our guests. You were patient and flexible with us and made welcoming you enjoyable for us.
Good bye to all of you, thank you again and see you next year in Münich!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

End of the first day

It has been great first day. Some sessions were cancelled and it was raining a lot, but otherwise, it seemed that it was a successful first day at LIBER 2012.
Hope you all enjoyed the sessions, sponsor exhibition, lunch, and gala dinner. Hopefully, you enjoyed the meal and at least tried our national kama mousse and Põltsamaa Golden. Here is more information about kama, since people were asking what it is:
We have another busy day ahead of us tomorrow. There have already been at least one cancellation, but hopefully no more to come.
The weather is suppose to get better as well.
As soon as we have any photos of today, these will be added to the conference albums.

Have a safe night and see you all tomorrow morning for another great day filled with inspiring presentations.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

First day of the conference

First day of the conference has started with rain unfortunately, but I am sure we will not let this affect our mood.
Less than 1/3 of the people arrived yesterday, so we are expecting ladies in the registration be extremely busy today between 8:00 and 9:00.
Early arrivals, did you like all the social events we had planned for you yesterday? The free tour and concert? It would be awesome to hear some feedback! Drop us a comment here!

Today we start with workshops followed by opening ceremony.

See you soon!

Registration has started

It is 10 minutes after 14:00, which means that registration has started. Rain started right before the registration, but hopefully when it is time to go to the concert and tour today, it will not rain anymore.
We are waiting for all of you who have arrived today to Tartu to use the chance and come by the conference center, recieve your name tag, programme book, tickets, and conference bags.
The rest of you are expected tomorrow morning!

See you soon!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

... and it all began

The pre-conference has started. First people have arrived in Tartu. The weather was not too friendly today, mainly rainy but now there is also some sunshine. If nothing else is amazing, then for these who are here and who are still coming, look outside when it is 11pm or even midnight - it is still light outside :) Amazing, isn't it?
The library is now empty. All the masses of boxes left library to the conference center today. Tomorrow morning, just few more "late arrivals" will leave to the center.
The registration starts at 14:00 tomorrow (entrance to the conference center is from TURU street, either main door or conference door next to it and then elevators up to the 4th floor).
Hope to see you all there!!!

 Welcome to Tartu and LIBER 2012!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rain, Rain - go away

Massive rain has hit Estonia. It is typical that it rains on our favorite holiday, but this is too much even for us.
With that in mind, here is some suggestions for you, please bring your umbrella!
About next week: they are promising some rain; however, sunshine as well, especially from Wednesday until Friday. Temperature should be around 20C.
You can check out more weather from
"Lets hope for the best but prepare for the worst," as our weather lady said in the news last night!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Do you know how it feels...

We are all getting excited because we are literally feeling LIBER in Tartu now!
Only one more weekend (holiday weekend for us) before it all starts with the pre-conference on Monday.
Hopefully, you have all managed to find hotels because Tartu is probably fully booked by now and that you know how to get from Tallinn to Tartu. Somebody once said when asked where is Tartu that if you imagine flying to the end of the earth and then add another 2,5 hours, then you are in Tartu!
Hopefully, it will not be that bad for you and that you are going to enjoy the time with us.

Do you know how it feels to fill up over 300 conference bags and memory sticks?
Or how many boxes of sponsor materials will fit into these bags?
Or how does a pile of colored name tags look like?
This is how it all looks: